Reference Pages > Area Reference Pages > Welcome New Residents
We are happy you've chosen to make Belding your new home. Please let us know how we can be helpful.
If you are new to Belding, we have answers to many questions. Check out the Welcome to Belding link below and become acquainted with our city! Please also visit our Belding Bugle Newsletter page (see the quick link located at the left of the screen). The Belding Bugle is published quarterly and is filled with useful information!
Please let us know how we can be helpful to you and make you comfortable in your new surroundings. Call City Hall at (616) 794-1900 with any questions or contact by using the link below.
Welcome to Belding!
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Published periodically by the City of Belding, the Belding Bugle lets you know what's going on in Belding. People, events, activities, City services, important dates, and much more.
Check our Belding Bugle page and download it now.
Looking for new activities and ways to meet new friends in Belding? Check out our Event Calendar at the link below. Perhaps there is something there you might enjoy.
Visit Online:
120 S. Pleasant Street
Belding, Michigan 48809
Phone: (616) 794-1900
Fax: (616) 794-0091
Emergency: Phone 911
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
7:00am - 6:00pm
To Contact a City Department Head,
Visit our City Staff Directory Page